Creating reports

Nextflow has an embedded function for reporting a number of informations about the resources needed by each job and the timing. Just by adding a parameter on run-time, different kind of reports can be created.

  1. Workflow report

    After running the nextflow pipeline script with the option -with-report, find the html report in the folder from where you launched the pipeline.

    nextflow run 05-reports/ -with-report

    This report describes the usage of resources and job durations and gives an indication of bottlenecks and plausible optimizations in the pipeline.

  2. DAG

    Use the option -with-dag to create a visualization of the workflow. By default and without any arguments, it will create a .dot-file that contains a description of the workflow, however to get a visualization we need to use an extra argument (e.g. rnaseq.PNG). This visualization is a nice overview of the workflow processes and how they are chained together and can be especially useful as a starting point to unravel more complex pipelines.

    nextflow run 05-reports/ -with-dag rnaseq.PNG

    (Library graphviz needs to be installed for this purpose.)

  3. Tower

    Adding the parameter -with-tower enables the Seqera Tower service and will output the reports to a browser-based platform. More about Tower below.


The Tower service, supported and developed by Seqera Labs, allows to monitor the workloads from a browser. Pipelines can be deployed on any local, cluster or cloud environment using the intuitive launchpad interface. Futhermore, it is also possible to manage teams and organizations, control project costs, and more. With ongoing improvements to the Tower platform, it is a very powerful platform worth checking out.

To start using Tower, first create an account on Then, we need to set the access token in our environment (on our VMs):

export NXF_VER=21.04.0 

Verify the Nextflow version (NXF_VER) with nextflow -v. The access token can be obtained from clicking on the top-right profile icon, select Your tokens and create New token.

Tower is undergoing a lot of changes, hence we refer to this useful video. More information is also available at

Run the pipeline again, this time also make the reports (both html-report and a visualization of the pipeline)

The command that we need for this is the following.

nextflow run -profile docker -with-report -with-dag rnaseq.PNG 

The visualization will not render since the graphviz package is not installed, for this use: apt install graphviz and resume the pipeline.

Make an account on, add the Tower access tokens and run the workflow again so the reports is available on the tower platform.

Follow the steps described here above to make a connection to the Tower platform. (Alternatively, read the official documentation here)

nextflow run -profile docker -with-report -with-dag rnaseq.PNG -resume -with-tower